"What am I in the eyes of most people ¬ a nonentity, an eccentric, or an unpleasant person ¬ somebody who has no position in society and never will have, in short, the lowest of the low. All right, then ¬ even if that were absolutely true, then I should one day like to show by my work what such an eccentric, such a nobody, has in his heart." -Vincent Van Gogh
Quote #40 - NO, NO, NO...know
Why are so fearful of saying NO.
Is it exclusion, that greatest of social punishments. If we say yes (agreeable traits) are we not just taking on a greater inconvenience to yourself, which could make you become spiteful/bitter...a loss of self worth!.
It's dam hard to say NO, yet I find hard to understand, when saying NO is perfectly in line with self preservation...and there could be the grand issue. The need to be within the group overrides the self, for the group gives more to the self than it can by itself...meaning; be be protected (safe), it's best to do things you do not agree with if that doing avoids punishment!
BUT, I suppose the biggest philosophical question I could ask here is;
>WHY is there a need to say NO in the first place?
Safety Cynic - NO, I won't agree with the group